Snow Fluid 5 Litre
Product Code: EFF789
To purchase this item or for further information on any of our products, please contact us on
T: 01458 833186
A professional grade snow/foam fluid that has been designed to work in most quality machines. This product produces fine, brilliant white, simulated snow flakes that have a long hang time.
General Information:
Form: Fluid
Colour: Clear/water white
Odour: Slight
pH value: 6.5 - 8.5
Change in Condition:
Melting point:<5°C
Boiling point: >100°C
Flash point: Not applicable
Self-igniting: Product is not self-igniting.
Danger of explosion: No danger of explosion.
Density 20°C: 1.02 g/cm³ (DIN 12793)
Solubility: Soluble in water.
Weight: 5 Litres